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Maps and legends

Jun 01, 2024Jun 01, 2024

Aug 10, 2023


At this Monday’s Tama County Supervisors meeting, the biggest topic was the new map. The re-precincting board has come up with an unofficial new map that splits Tama County into five districts instead of three. The board split the county into five separate zones with about 3,427 people in each.

Three public hearings will be held on the map before it will be sent to the state for approval. The three public hearings are set for Aug 21, 28, and Sept. 11. The re-precincting board is made up of three appointed locals, Joe Boll, Mike Wentzien, and Richard Arp.

Supervisor Bill Faircloth announced the recipients of the Years of Service Awards for 20 county employees. Lisa Heitman with the Attorney’s Office, Neil Frizzell and Sheila Werner with the Sheriff’s Office, Tony Gropper with Roads, Melissa Massengale with Public Health, Robin Oaxaca, Janitor, and Diane Kesl and Zachary Mann with 911 all have five years of service. Supervisor Dan Anderson and Sheriff’s Deputy Ronald Pexa were awarded for 10 years of service. Michelle Schroeder with the Auditor’s Office, Elizabeth Young with the Treasurer’s Office, and Julie Hoskey and Anne Bloomquist with 911 were awarded for 15 years of service. Timothy Martens with Roads, Beth Eberle with Public Health, and Elizabeth Ledvina with Veterans Affairs/General Relief were awarded for 20 years of service. Kerry Kucera with the Assessors Office was awarded for 25 years of service. Ronda Burnes with the Attorney’s office was awarded for 30 years of service. Kathryn Fehr with Public Health was awarded for 40 years of service.

The Tama County Engineer reported that employees will be reporting to motor grader training on Wednesday, Aug. 9. Some ditches are being dug and blades are out. The Deer Creek bridge in Toledo is forming up its deck. The Engineer will also possibly hire a part-time assistant.

The Supervisors approved the FY23-24 Tax Levy Rates.

Timothy Martens who was honored for working in the roads department for 20 years. PHOTO BY MICHAEL D. DAVIS

The Supervisors also approved the hiring of a State Auditor to look at agreed upon procedures.

The re-assignment of tax certificate 15-0227 to Nate Holven was approved. Holven will pay half the taxes owed in the amount of $871.50.

The Supervisors also appointed Jim Allen to the Conservation board. Claims totaling $343,645.55 were approved.

Michelle Schroeder, right, with the Auditor's Office and Elizabeth Young with the Treasurer’s Office were awarded for 15 years of service. PHOTO BY MICHAEL D. DAVIS

Supervisor Dan Anderson was awarded for 10 years of service. PHOTO BY MICHAEL D. DAVIS

Tony Gropper in the roads department and Janitor Robin Oaxaca were awarded for five years of service. PHOTO BY MICHAEL D. DAVIS

The new Tama County Engineer, Ben Daleske, got to meet the Toledo city council at this Monday's meeting. Ben stood ...