

Jun 17, 2024Jun 17, 2024

The Crookston City Council met in the City Hall Council Chambers on Monday night.

INTERIM CANNABIS MORATORIUM DENIED BY THE COUNCILThere was a second reading regarding the ordinance prohibiting the sale, testing, manufacturing, cultivating, growing, transporting, delivering, and distributing cannabis products in the City of Crookston. This reading was not approved by the council on a 4-3 vote. Voting against the proposal were Kristie Jerde, Dylane Klatt, Clayton Briggs, and Tim Menard. Voting for the moratorium was Morgan Hibma, Don Cavalier, and Henry Fischer. Joe Kresl didn’t attend the meeting. “There was a discussion by several council members who said their perception was based on contact with constituents that the moratorium was not clear,” said City Administrator Corky Reynolds. The council members that voted the moratorium down all agreed that it seemed to be done hastily, and several wanted to prepare an ordinance since there wasn’t a hurry to get it done.

The moratorium reportedly did not alter the state law. Still, the ordinance may have impacted the rights of individuals who use cannabis in the City of Crookston. “The ordinance will not be enacted. At this point, the law that applies for individual use and use for medicinal purposes will be from the state law,” said Reynolds. The procedures from the state will commence in this matter; the city will now discuss how to deal with cannabis use when applied to public streets and around educational facilities.

CHARLES GETSMAN TO BE CROOKSTON PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORThe city received three applicants for the Public Works Director position. The council agreed that Charles Getsman was the best candidate for the job. Getsman served as the Public Works Director in Fisher for three years. Getsman’s official start date as Crookston Public Director will be September 18. Current Public Works Director Brandon Carlson will take on the duties of Utilities Director on September 18.

MOTOR GRADER TO RECEIVE WING RENOVATIONSThe city currently has a motor grader that Ziegler evaluated, and it’s been determined that the wing on the grader needs replacing. “Our mechanic Kent Schafer has worked on it a few times, and it’s to the point where it needs to be replaced,” said Public Works Director Brandon Carlson. “We had the machine looked at by Ziegler because it’s a CAT grader, so we had them check the oils to make sure we wouldn’t have any hydraulic issues.” The machine has a reported 8,000 hours, and the council unanimously approved a $25,000 wing to replace the current wing.

The council unanimously approved the purchase of aluminum covers for storm grids at the estimated cost of $13,000. “Those aluminum fold covers are for the storm grids that are on levies that were constructed for flood protection,” said Fire Department Chief Shane Heldstab. “I had been approached that they were still causing issues when it comes to springtime.”

These covers will also not allow snow to fall through the grids and onto the storm structures. “When you get a thaw and freezing, what ends up happening is ice builds up around these gates,” said Heldstab. “Then the guys would have to take a chance and go down there and figure out how to remove the ice.” This purchase will also ensure safer working conditions for the Fire Department staff.

During the meeting, Heldstab also mentioned the Crookston Fire Department is looking to hire again with the resignation of Fire Fighter Nick Potzmann.

The council approved soliciting proposals from engineering firms for the capital improvement plan, including improvements to streets, sidewalks, sanitary sewer, water, stormwater, and signage inventory in Crookston. The council unanimously approved the resolution regarding the authorization and confirmation of the sale of property to David and Gloria Kildahl. The property is lot five, block four, in the Evergreen Estates Subdivision at the cost of $10,950.

To watch the meeting click on the video below-

The Crookston City Council met in the City Hall Council Chambers on Monday night.INTERIM CANNABIS MORATORIUM DENIED BY THE COUNCILThere was a second reading regarding the ordinance prohibiting the sale, testing, manufacturing, cultivating, growing, transporting, delivering, and distributing cannabis products in the City of Crookston. This reading was not approved by the council on a 4-3 vote. Voting against the proposal were Kristie Jerde, Dylane Klatt, Clayton Briggs, and Tim Menard. Voting for the moratorium was Morgan Hibma, Don Cavalier, and Henry Fischer. Joe Kresl didn’t attend the meeting. “There was a discussion by several council members who said their perception was based on contact with constituents that the moratorium was not clear,” said City Administrator Corky Reynolds. The council members that voted the moratorium down all agreed that it seemed to be done hastily, and several wanted to prepare an ordinance since there wasn’t a hurry to get it done.The moratorium reportedly did not alter the state law. Still, the ordinance may have impacted the rights of individuals who use cannabis in the City of Crookston. “The ordinance will not be enacted. At this point, the law that applies for individual use and use for medicinal purposes will be from the state law,” said Reynolds. The procedures from the state will commence in this matter; the city will now discuss how to deal with cannabis use when applied to public streets and around educational facilities. CHARLES GETSMAN TO BE CROOKSTON PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORThe city received three applicants for the Public Works Director position. The council agreed that Charles Getsman was the best candidate for the job. Getsman served as the Public Works Director in Fisher for three years. Getsman’s official start date as Crookston Public Director will be September 18. Current Public Works Director Brandon Carlson will take on the duties of Utilities Director on September 18.MOTOR GRADER TO RECEIVE WING RENOVATIONSThe city currently has a motor grader that Ziegler evaluated, and it’s been determined that the wing on the grader needs replacing. “Our mechanic Kent Schafer has worked on it a few times, and it’s to the point where it needs to be replaced,” said Public Works Director Brandon Carlson. “We had the machine looked at by Ziegler because it’s a CAT grader, so we had them check the oils to make sure we wouldn’t have any hydraulic issues.” The machine has a reported 8,000 hours, and the council unanimously approved a $25,000 wing to replace the current wing.The council unanimously approved the purchase of aluminum covers for storm grids at the estimated cost of $13,000. “Those aluminum fold covers are for the storm grids that are on levies that were constructed for flood protection,” said Fire Department Chief Shane Heldstab. “I had been approached that they were still causing issues when it comes to springtime.” These covers will also not allow snow to fall through the grids and onto the storm structures. “When you get a thaw and freezing, what ends up happening is ice builds up around these gates,” said Heldstab. “Then the guys would have to take a chance and go down there and figure out how to remove the ice.” This purchase will also ensure safer working conditions for the Fire Department staff.During the meeting, Heldstab also mentioned the Crookston Fire Department is looking to hire again with the resignation of Fire Fighter Nick Potzmann. The council approved soliciting proposals from engineering firms for the capital improvement plan, including improvements to streets, sidewalks, sanitary sewer, water, stormwater, and signage inventory in Crookston. The council unanimously approved the resolution regarding the authorization and confirmation of the sale of property to David and Gloria Kildahl. The property is lot five, block four, in the Evergreen Estates Subdivision at the cost of $10,950.To watch the meeting click on the video below- City of Crookston Council Meeting, August 14th, 2023 City of Crookston Council Meeting, August 14th, 2023 Load more